Fact-chasing, explorative, deep-dive reporting
Swan Dive Media believes deeply in the importance of ethics-driven journalism for the public good, and has the experience to pursue it. Our team has produced stories exploring the potential for solar power in Malawian prisons, the threat of nuclear waste being stored on the California coastline, and potable water access programs in Nepal and Vietnam. Swan Dive Media’s Joel Hersch has worked as reporter for a variety of print and online publications and brings that journalistic expertise to the production company. Swan Dive Media is always searching for important stories worldwide and is eager to discuss opportunities and collaborations with partners to bring them to life through digital media—video, audio, photography and editorial.
Beginning in 2017, a group of environmental activists began organizing against the visitation of cruise ships in the Monterey Bay, where many locals are worried an accident might occur that would have major implications for the health of the National Marine Sanctuary. The multi billion dollar international industry of cruise ships has exhibited a poor track record for decades on environmental law compliance, often pumping out contaminated waters and dumping trash in restricted ocean spaces, including local Sanctuary waters in years past. The industry also represents an enormous source of fossil fuel consumption and emissions, which activists feel is out of touch with the realities of environmental conservation and protection. In conjunction with the Santa Cruz Waves film series, Swan Dive Media interviewed multiple agencies to learn about the issue and shine a light for the public on this local, grass-roots initiative.
Watch the trailer for our film “H20 Malawi,” in which Swan Dive Media embeds with a nonprofit traveling to orphanages, rural prisons, and schools throughout the East African nation.
Santa Cruz’s Patrick “Paddy” Brady of H20 (His 2 Offer) discuses the living standards for inmates and general infrastructure for the rural prison facility with a superintendent at a rural penitentiary.
How a Santa Cruz entreprenuer is working to bring solar power, food security and health services to one of the poorest parts of the worlds: The African Nation of Malawi.
Check out our trailer to the film, and click the link below to watch our short documentary film.
Hundreds of tons of radioactive waste is stored at the shuttered San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, known as SONGS, just 40 yards from the Pacific Ocean and several of California’s most prized surf breaks. What will the energy industry do with this huge quantity of deadly, eon-lasting spent fuel?
Above: Journalist and producer Joel Hersch discusses the threats of radioactive nuclear waste held in interim storage at a Southern California facility.
Let’s Collaborate
Our team is passionate about human rights, the natural environment, government transparency, and countless other issues. We are well suited to assist at various stages of production for investigative journalism projects and always open for a phone call to discuss strategies for telling important stories. If your organization is interested in funding video productions that delve into specific issues and are seeking a capable team to help answer questions and execute a specific vision, please do not hesitate to reach out today.